X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)



  • soul rattler
    soul rattler Members Posts: 18,852 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Agrv2385 wrote: »
    I just got done seeing it for myself. I didn't mind reading the spoilers because although X1, X2, and X3 were good and I really really liked First Class, I absolutely hated Origins. It ruined the franchise for me so much that I refused to see The Wolverine and the fact that I ended up seeing First Class on Showtime only made me interested enough to read spoilers.

    I walked out of the theater wondering one thing: Is this better than Captain America 2? After I was Cap 2, I was pretty much sold that it was a top 5 superhero adaption of all time, ranking possibly right behind The Dark Knight. Is it better than First Class? Yes, because it takes that dynamic that the core cast had and merges it with the original cast flawlessly. The action scenes were jaw dropping with the future Sentinels as well as the Quicksilver scenes. The only X Men movie to come close to this level of action was X3, as First Class was more story driven than special effects/action driven. This movie provided the perfect balance between comedy, substance, action, effects, and a worth while script.

    Since mostly everyone has already spoken on this, I'll just respond to some of the stuff I've read:

    1. Some people are saying that a lot of characters went under-utilized and that the future mutants (Blink, Bishop, etc.) lacked character development. No offense, but this is a ? complaint. Do you realize that 99% of movies have a shitload of characters and only a handful of them get character development? Had those future mutants not been included, these same people probably would've complained about the lack of new mutants, yet Fox has made a conscious effort to include new mutants in every new movie. Who knows, with all of the time jumping that they've done throughout this franchise, we could get backstories on some of these mutants but obviously they all aren't going to get a thorough origin movie. It's simply too many mutants to spend time delving into every character like that. It's enough that they were included, their power was showcased properly, and they were used effectively to further the story. For this movie, we didn't need to know who Blink was or where Bishop came from. Point is, it's the future, ? 's ? up, and these are the final mutant resistance.

    2. I was probably one of the few people that didn't start throwing a fit over the still pictures of Quicksilver or the Sentinels. Without context, you have very little to go on discussing a picture. Turns out Quicksilver was very well done as well as both versions of Sentinels. I know some people here like to get offended when you tell them to chill out and not make snap judgement based on a lack of information, but I could go back pages in this thread and quote people who ? and moaned about how "Quicksilver looks sooooooo ? !" and "Those Sentinels look like vacuum cleaner playtoys!" Now those complainers look like ? because the movie came out and everything makes complete sense.

    3. I, like many, hated Fox's oversaturation of Wolverine. Yeah, he was a favorite in the X-Men continuity but we ended up getting 5 movies where he was the center of the story, even when he wasn't supposed to be. This movie had balance. They used Hugh Jackman as a bridge to showcase the James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, and Nicholas Hoult with aboslute finesse. I still hate Halle Berry as Storm, but it was nice seeing everyone (shout out to Kelsey Grammer's cameo) again.

    4. My reaction to young Charles Xavier reading Logan's mind, seeing what happened to him and remarking "You poor man...":

    5. My reaction to old Charles Xavier telling young Xavier that his power lies in the ability to bear the pain of others and to simply hope:


    Fox has been losing to Marvel since the MCU was established, but with First Class and Days Of Future's Past, Fox is back and it's becoming less clear of who is making the best movies. And it's becoming even less clear knowing that the man who wrote this script is also writing the Fantastic Four script. Yeah... Marvel is in for some heavy competition and it ain't just WB/DC that they have to worry about. Is this better than The Dark Knight? No. Is this better than Captain America: The Winter Soldier? Let it marinate for a while, but my initial answer is YES. This movie is every bit the political thriller that Cap 2 was but also tapped into the philosophical aspect that made TDK series and Man of Steel so well received.

    9/10 based on first watch


    In my opinion this movie came nowhere near ca 2. im not sure what movie you saw but i think this movie lacked action. what actions scenes were there in the first half? the attacks on trask?? going after mystique? the sentinels in action were cool but it wasnt back and forth it was more like fatality scenes. When the action finally started to pick up in the end with magneto and the sentinels....the movie was over. and def dissapointed we didnt see the present sentinels in action more than 2 mins. even the character development, xavier got over magneto paralyzing him way too fast. a ? paralyze me from the waist down you think we gon be playin chest after one punch and a few hours????so while it wasnt a bad movie, with both casts being in it, and the survival of the mutant race at stake i expected a much more action orientated blowout movie. 9/10 def reachin. more like 6.5 or 7.

    Throwing a label on the future Sentinel scenes as "fatality scenes" is meaningless. I can write off the great action scenes in Cap 2 as "glorified streetfights, drivebys, and gun fights". The action was where it was needed. It wasn't an oversaturation of violence, especially with Professor X who literally said that he doesn't take well to violence. Him punching Erik was a result of years of despair and frustration but he wasn't going to go on a murderous rampage, especially when he had his drug that let him walk again. He didn't get over being paralyzed, he just found a temporary cure which came at a great price.
  • Broddie
    Broddie Members Posts: 11,750 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2014
    Agrv2385 wrote: »
    I just got done seeing it for myself. I didn't mind reading the spoilers because although X1, X2, and X3 were good and I really really liked First Class, I absolutely hated Origins. It ruined the franchise for me so much that I refused to see The Wolverine and the fact that I ended up seeing First Class on Showtime only made me interested enough to read spoilers.

    I walked out of the theater wondering one thing: Is this better than Captain America 2? After I was Cap 2, I was pretty much sold that it was a top 5 superhero adaption of all time, ranking possibly right behind The Dark Knight. Is it better than First Class? Yes, because it takes that dynamic that the core cast had and merges it with the original cast flawlessly. The action scenes were jaw dropping with the future Sentinels as well as the Quicksilver scenes. The only X Men movie to come close to this level of action was X3, as First Class was more story driven than special effects/action driven. This movie provided the perfect balance between comedy, substance, action, effects, and a worth while script.

    Since mostly everyone has already spoken on this, I'll just respond to some of the stuff I've read:

    1. Some people are saying that a lot of characters went under-utilized and that the future mutants (Blink, Bishop, etc.) lacked character development. No offense, but this is a ? complaint. Do you realize that 99% of movies have a shitload of characters and only a handful of them get character development? Had those future mutants not been included, these same people probably would've complained about the lack of new mutants, yet Fox has made a conscious effort to include new mutants in every new movie. Who knows, with all of the time jumping that they've done throughout this franchise, we could get backstories on some of these mutants but obviously they all aren't going to get a thorough origin movie. It's simply too many mutants to spend time delving into every character like that. It's enough that they were included, their power was showcased properly, and they were used effectively to further the story. For this movie, we didn't need to know who Blink was or where Bishop came from. Point is, it's the future, ? 's ? up, and these are the final mutant resistance.

    2. I was probably one of the few people that didn't start throwing a fit over the still pictures of Quicksilver or the Sentinels. Without context, you have very little to go on discussing a picture. Turns out Quicksilver was very well done as well as both versions of Sentinels. I know some people here like to get offended when you tell them to chill out and not make snap judgement based on a lack of information, but I could go back pages in this thread and quote people who ? and moaned about how "Quicksilver looks sooooooo ? !" and "Those Sentinels look like vacuum cleaner playtoys!" Now those complainers look like ? because the movie came out and everything makes complete sense.

    3. I, like many, hated Fox's oversaturation of Wolverine. Yeah, he was a favorite in the X-Men continuity but we ended up getting 5 movies where he was the center of the story, even when he wasn't supposed to be. This movie had balance. They used Hugh Jackman as a bridge to showcase the James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, and Nicholas Hoult with aboslute finesse. I still hate Halle Berry as Storm, but it was nice seeing everyone (shout out to Kelsey Grammer's cameo) again.

    4. My reaction to young Charles Xavier reading Logan's mind, seeing what happened to him and remarking "You poor man...":

    5. My reaction to old Charles Xavier telling young Xavier that his power lies in the ability to bear the pain of others and to simply hope:


    Fox has been losing to Marvel since the MCU was established, but with First Class and Days Of Future's Past, Fox is back and it's becoming less clear of who is making the best movies. And it's becoming even less clear knowing that the man who wrote this script is also writing the Fantastic Four script. Yeah... Marvel is in for some heavy competition and it ain't just WB/DC that they have to worry about. Is this better than The Dark Knight? No. Is this better than Captain America: The Winter Soldier? Let it marinate for a while, but my initial answer is YES. This movie is every bit the political thriller that Cap 2 was but also tapped into the philosophical aspect that made TDK series and Man of Steel so well received.

    9/10 based on first watch


    In my opinion this movie came nowhere near ca 2. im not sure what movie you saw but i think this movie lacked action. what actions scenes were there in the first half? the attacks on trask?? going after mystique? the sentinels in action were cool but it wasnt back and forth it was more like fatality scenes. When the action finally started to pick up in the end with magneto and the sentinels....the movie was over. and def dissapointed we didnt see the present sentinels in action more than 2 mins. even the character development, xavier got over magneto paralyzing him way too fast. a ? paralyze me from the waist down you think we gon be playin chest after one punch and a few hours????so while it wasnt a bad movie, with both casts being in it, and the survival of the mutant race at stake i expected a much more action orientated blowout movie. 9/10 def reachin. more like 6.5 or 7.

    The action was where it was needed.

    co ? sign and that's what made it much more effective.

    I liked this movie a whole lot more than something like Transformers, The Avengers or Man of Steel (all of which I didn't like at all) because it didn't numb me to the spectacle to the point of boredom. It didn't just decide to throw 30 - 40 minutes of cgi and fast cutting action at a given time basically desensitizing any effect any of that stuff could have if it was better paced. Which actually made the spectacle feel special and have some weight to it when it was finally presented on screen.

    No offense to anybody in here but the whole ADD attitude of movie goers today has really killed a lot of potential classics with way too much nonsense. That's why I really appreciated that about both this movie and Godzilla. They left enough room for everything to properly breathe and set up payoffs instead of cramming everything in and making it all feel old before the third act. It's an old school but extremely effective formula that you only see masters like James Cameron still use today. It was very refreshing.
  • Broddie
    Broddie Members Posts: 11,750 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Screenwriter Simon Kinberg spoke to empireonline about the timeline questions

    “There is no question that at the end of Days Of Future Past there are events that have happened in 1973 that did not happen in our accepted, real 1973. This ripples into the ‘80s, ‘90s and 2000s, where eventually X-Men 1 would take place. We acknowledge that at the end of the movie, with a look at the “future” that is similar to X-Men 1 through 3, but with some very distinct differences.

    We talk, maybe too much, in the movie about this notion of time travel, or time continuity, where the river of time keeps going in the same direction, but you can shift it a little bit. You can put a pebble in and see at least a splash. So at the end of this movie, we want to feel like the current is going in the same direction. Charles went off and started the X-Men, but the way he did it and the people who are part of the X-Men are not exactly the same.

    Bryan and I talked a lot about what we were going to honour, and what we were going to nullify from the original movies. Something I felt strongly about was making sure Jean Grey and Cyclops are alive at the end of the movie, perhaps out of personal guilt for having worked on X3.

    There are many things in X3 I am proud of, and there are many things I would do differently if I could go back in time and talk to my younger self. I was disappointed for personal reasons – and as a fan – with the way Scott was killed, and the personification of Dark Phoenix. I felt like seeing them at the end of the film would be very satisfying.”
  • nickel-us P
    nickel-us P Members Posts: 2,491 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Magneto's look when quicksilver mentions his mom had me dying.
  • Splackavelli
    Splackavelli Members Posts: 18,806 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Max. wrote: »
    @pissedoffnobody‌ they want eddie murphy as apacolypse bryh

    i'd watch it especially if he acts the way he did on meet dave lol.
  • Splackavelli
    Splackavelli Members Posts: 18,806 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Broddie wrote: »
    Broddie wrote: »
    Broddie wrote: »
    Broddie wrote: »
    None of the previous movies happened. You could still enjoy them of course but the events of those movies don't mean ? within the internal canon of the film series, not even Singer's. He basically did what comic books do all the time and rebooted within an existing continuity.

    He was smart enough to wipe the slate clean so that he could retell the story without any creative limitations in the future. Now he could fill in that 50 year gap between the events of this movie in the 70's and it's ending however he wants because the timeline we see at the end is an alternate one to the one portrayed in the previous movies.

    Just like with JJ Abrams Star Trek movie. In other words they are not creatively handicapped by the events of the previous movies and could do whatever they want for here on out which is the smart thing to do if you want to breathe new life into the series. That way you could tell fresh X-Men stories and not be predictable because everybody in the audience "knows how things turn out in the future". That includes even introducing Wolverine to the team in the 90's in a future sequel and not the year 2000 like previously established and making Angel one of the original X-Men.

    So in your view now even First Class and the 70s scenes from DOFP may not have happened?

    First Class and the sections with that movie's cast in this one are the exception since it's obviously the genesis of this new timeline. Just look at Mystique's arc for example. She is now being molded into the anti-hero role she has had in the comic books for a long while now. As opposed to the blatant villain that she was in the first 3 movies.

    But you know how FC completely blatantly contradicted details from every other movie in the series? well people no longer have to ? about that because those details are invalid in the continuity now anyway.

    Alright. I was going to say if you mean since the ? future didn't happen, Logan couldn't have really been sent back to do ? and if he did, it makes no sense he'd leave them and get caught up with Department H so Wolverine:Origins and everything after couldn't have happened, I was going to see where you went with that because honestly I think most of that complex stuff would go over the head of the casual audience, they'd just know X3 couldn't have went down the way it did since Jean and Prof X were alive.

    Most people will understand with future movies when the stuff they thought they knew no longer pans out that way. Of course sci-fi and comic book fans would get it even quicker than they that which is how I completely understood what happened before I even walked out of the theater.

    The time travel trope is clear enough by now in that regard when it comes to the narrative language. There was no need to blatantly spell it out when they were nuanced enough in delivering the same message. It thankfully didn't insult the audience and expected them to be sharp enough to keep up. For that I give them credit cause not many big budget movies do that anymore.

    Time travel stories always have paradoxes but I'll explain it as easy as I can. You see how in Back to the Future Marty McFly leaves his ? present and comes back to an ideal future that is nothing like the one he left? that's the same way Wolverine's consciousness left the ? future that happened after the trilogy and came back to the one he now exists in.

    Their interference in the past created a new branch on the tree of time. Parallel but different from the branch they intially left. An alternate path was created and the future they returned to was within that alternate path and not the one they initially left.

    Oh, I get it, it's the future with changes since Jean is still alive, but to appreciate that you have to understand the bond they had in the previous movies. So there is still the time between DOFP's rewrite and X-Men they can tap into using the first class cast but it does seem like X-Men has happened, if not X-2 and definitely not X-Men 3: The Last Stand. But the insistence Wolverine would remember it all even if noone else did would have precluder Wolverine from the ? he got involved in Wolverine:Origins, he'd have forgot everything due to the amnesia bullet that happened in DOFP and still ended up at the start of X-Men with a foggy memory until X-2.

    I don't know if you read comic books and if you do if you're familiar with DC Comics. In the 80's they had a story called Crisis on Infinite Earths that basically rebooted their entire universe. But even with that happening there was one character that remembered the previous DC Universe while still existing in the new one created at the end of that story. His name was ? Pirate and Jackman's Wolverine is basically the ? Pirate of this film series now.

    Obviously he feels a special way about Jean because of what he remembers. However in her mind their bond was triggered a completely different way than how it played out in X-Men - X-Men: The Last Stand. Which is why Professor X tells him that he has to fill him in on the details of the past 50 years because they have played out differently from what he knows.

    I wish they did it like the comics or the animated series and sent the older kitty pryde(shadowcat) in a young kitty prydes body or sent bishop back in time to warn them
  • Splackavelli
    Splackavelli Members Posts: 18,806 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Magneto's look when quicksilver mentions his mom had me dying.

    on other sites like youtube they are saying that the little girl is not wanda the scarlet witch but their younger sister lorna(Polaris) comic book heads know her as havoc's(alex summers) wife and as a member of x-factor.
  • nickel-us P
    nickel-us P Members Posts: 2,491 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I tried reading up on Apocolypse. That ? is deep. Working with The Mummy n ? .
  • soul rattler
    soul rattler Members Posts: 18,852 ✭✭✭✭✭
    What was so bad about Wolverine being the one who went back in time?
  • CottonCitySlim
    CottonCitySlim Members Posts: 7,063 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Magneto's look when quicksilver mentions his mom had me dying.

    on other sites like youtube they are saying that the little girl is not wanda the scarlet witch but their younger sister lorna(Polaris) comic book heads know her as havoc's(alex summers) wife and as a member of x-factor.

    they aren't married nor have those 2 characters ever married anyone else.
  • loch121
    loch121 Members Posts: 12,884 ✭✭✭✭✭
    LOL they undid everything that happened in The Last Stand because ppl hated that movie.

    Slick move

    I didn't think The last Stand it was that bad though

    I'd get high trip off it,but it makes little sense
  • Recaptimus_Prime360
    Recaptimus_Prime360 Members Posts: 64,801 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ^^^ Uh, yeah. But there's no such thing as blue or gray people. So it's not unreasonable for us to expect a black actor cast in the role then add the necessary make-up/SFX. Apocalypse is still Egyptian by birth even though he looks different

    Umm, you do realize this movie wasn't real right? Lol!
    ^^^ Uh, yeah. But there's no such thing as blue or gray people. So it's not unreasonable for us to expect a black actor cast in the role then add the necessary make-up/SFX. Apocalypse is still Egyptian by birth even though he looks different

    There's no such thing as mutants that can time travel via mind link either. THIS IS ALL FICTION, WHERE ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN. Your point makes no sense in context. This is not a documentary series by Ken Burns about the mutant civil rights battle, these are action movies with superpowered mutants. So if we're going to accept time travelling mutants, we might as well accept a grey person in Egypt with blue lips 3000 years ago. Also, in the movies we've seen blue people (Nightcrawler, Mystique), metal skinned people (Colossus), pink and grey people (Blink), so why not blue and grey dude who is partly metal? It's just a mix of what they've already shown us.

    The whole point of Apocalypse's story is he stood out amongst black people in Egypt because he was not black, they feared and kicked him out of town, he wandered the desert until he found Celestial tech he used to awaken his powers, then conquered the people that exiled him. Why would they exile him for being different if he looked the same and why would he take revenge and enslave them if they were always cool with him? It defeats the purpose of the character's story if he looks like a normal black person. The whole point is he wasn't and that's why he ended up wandering the desert.

    "Apocalypse doesn't look black"? He never did and he is not meant to because then his story makes no sense. You might as well complain Storm isn't played by Paris Hilton.

    Had to lol and c/s the bolded.
  • Recaptimus_Prime360
    Recaptimus_Prime360 Members Posts: 64,801 ✭✭✭✭✭
    focus wrote: »
    I dunno. I still feel like 'Poc always at least had Black features. No, in X-Men comic book lure he is technically not black and is grey/blue. But...look at dude. If you had to cast a movie, wouldn't your first thought be to paint a black dude grey/blue to really embody the character? It just feels like they went so out of their way by casting the whitest, pointiest nose, no lips lil kid they could find...


    Which is why I always felt that Michael Clark Duncan would've been PERFECT for that role.
  • sdotcarter111
    sdotcarter111 Members Posts: 1,457 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Magneto when he went in on Charles on the plane though....

    Thats a reverse sonning.
  • sdotcarter111
    sdotcarter111 Members Posts: 1,457 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Magneto when he went in on Charles on the plane though....

    Thats a reverse sonning.
  • MR.CJ
    MR.CJ Members Posts: 64,689 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Will there be a sequel?
  • The Lonious Monk
    The Lonious Monk Members Posts: 26,258 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't know how many people watched X-men: Evolution. It was nowhere near as good as the original cartoon, but the way they did Apocalypse in that series was cool. I wouldn't mind seeing them go that route with the movie.
  • Copper
    Copper Members Posts: 49,532 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wolverine and the xmen and xmen g4 anime are underrated
  • SuperSoaker
    SuperSoaker Members Posts: 1,459 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I came out of captain America 2 thinking if was the best movie of the year

    Then I walked out of x men thinking it was the best movie of the year

    Either way both dope movies to me x men did a cool thing with the whole erasing history but keeping characters ?
  • focus
    focus Members Posts: 5,361 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Copper wrote: »
    Wolverine and the xmen and xmen g4 anime are underrated

    Wolverine and the X-Men is. That anime ? is trash.
  • Recaptimus_Prime360
    Recaptimus_Prime360 Members Posts: 64,801 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Magneto when he went in on Charles on the plane though....

    Thats a reverse sonning.

    @. Magneto was spittin that real talk ether.
  • Splackavelli
    Splackavelli Members Posts: 18,806 ✭✭✭✭✭
    What was so bad about Wolverine being the one who went back in time?

    because every x men movie was centered around him. now he's the one that goes back in time. I'm just saying it would have been cool if they sent bishop back like in the animated series. did you ever read days of future past comics?
  • Splackavelli
    Splackavelli Members Posts: 18,806 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't know how many people watched X-men: Evolution. It was nowhere near as good as the original cartoon, but the way they did Apocalypse in that series was cool. I wouldn't mind seeing them go that route with the movie.

    it got good in the last season when they brought on beast ice man and the new mutants like sunspot cannonball and boom boom. they even brought on gambit and colossus as part of magneto's brother hood.
  • Splackavelli
    Splackavelli Members Posts: 18,806 ✭✭✭✭✭
    focus wrote: »
    I dunno. I still feel like 'Poc always at least had Black features. No, in X-Men comic book lure he is technically not black and is grey/blue. But...look at dude. If you had to cast a movie, wouldn't your first thought be to paint a black dude grey/blue to really embody the character? It just feels like they went so out of their way by casting the whitest, pointiest nose, no lips lil kid they could find...


    Which is why I always felt that Michael Clark Duncan would've been PERFECT for that role.

    physically I would want a black to play him in live action since Michael clark Duncan is no longer among us I would have to say terry crews or some other diesel ass ? . in the comics ethically apocalypse is not black he was abandoned by his orginal people and an indigenous African tribe found and raised him. then he got ahold of alien technology and the rest is history.
  • soul rattler
    soul rattler Members Posts: 18,852 ✭✭✭✭✭
    What was so bad about Wolverine being the one who went back in time?

    because every x men movie was centered around him. now he's the one that goes back in time. I'm just saying it would have been cool if they sent bishop back like in the animated series. did you ever read days of future past comics?

    And who in the general movie going audience would have given a ? about Bishop going back in time? What would he have said to convince younger Charles, Erik, and Beast that he was legit? It's his first movie, he has no history with the franchise, there would have been no personal connection between him, the First Class cast, and the audience.

    As someone who hated how they've rammed Wolverine down our throats for 5 out of the past 6 movies, I'm fine with what they did here because it wasn't centered around Logan. It was very much Xavier, Magneto, and Mystique's movie and I think they did well to marginalize Wolverine's role to give other people the spotlight.